
Layaside Every Weight


Lay Aside Every Weight was founded 2003. This service is the 1:1 component of In His Image. It utilizes the Restoring the Foundations by Chester and Betsy Kylstra curriculum. People are given 1:1 Biblical Sessions weekly. Each session is designed to teach participants how to learn to discover their purpose by hearing the Holy Spirit for themselves.

Often people are bogged down by past occurrences. Lay Aside Every Weight’s first objective is to assist the people in releasing their past by guiding them through past issues and helping them to move beyond them so that they can live freely.

A group Bible study is taught monthly. This Bible Study focuses on intergrading what is taught during individual sessions into the group setting. Lay Aside Every Weight uses the Bible as a tool to teach how Christ lived, so that people can learn to walk into His Image.

After participants find out their purpose, Lay Aside Every Weight works to assist them in finding a career that matches their purpose. Participants are taught to write cover letters and resumes. They also go on mock interviews. Some participants are even taught to start their own businesses.

A young lady sitting on a rock