Trinity Christian Educational Schol was founded in 2004 to Change the Face of Education. In 2015, TCES transitioned into a laptop
school. Our campus is located in Anderson, SC. TCES offers Christian Education to 1st to twelfth graders Trinity Christian is a
member of the South Carolina Independent School Association (SCISA) and ECENC
Trinity Christian Educational School offers a Christian Education that is like no other.
Trinity Christian Education School is open to all students of average to superior intellectual ability, who are
underachieving in traditional school settings and could benefit from a more personalized academic program or desire
lower teacher to student ratios. At TCES, we are excited to offer personal attention from teachers who are trained to
deal with a variety of learning differences. With a maximum of twelve students per class, students are afforded the
kind of individualized support that results in personal accomplishments in the school environment. All classes have a
trained teacher and a volunteer teaching assistant. The high School classes offer a full curriculum of courses required
for graduation. A variety of different instructional methods are utilized in order to prepare the students for transitioning
from post high school to college/vocational training/military service or employment opportunities. Teachers also focus on spiritual
development, building traditional study skills including attending to lectures, note taking, participation in classroom discussion,
and daily work, preparing for midterms and finals, and completing research reports.
Our Philosophy
The philosophy of TCES is a simple one, based on the elements of accomplishment. TCES recognizes that people have learning
differences, which may hinder their level of achievement in a traditional academic situation. With the right set of activities and
individual attention, all students can achieve academic success in school. Success positively affects self-esteem. The students are
taught to thrive spiritually, emotionally, and academically. The system is a multi-faceted approach to education, including a full
complement of academic courses, plus a variety of extra-curricular activities and enrichment programs. Small class sizes enhance the
academic experience. TCES graduates are educated spiritually, academically, emotionally, socially, and physically and motivated to
go out in the world to duplicate the process and pursue their own purpose in life, thus creating ACCOMPLISHMENTS.